

“Conversation that Changes Lives”

Categories: Minister's Corner

John 5:1-17

 Hope is a powerful thing! It can keep us going and can help us to reach a goal. I love the story about the businessman who was out of town on a business trip in a small town. After checking into the hotel, he decided to walk around and breathe in some fresh air that evening. He could see the bright lights of a little league ballpark and decided to go and check it out for some good ol’ down-to-earth entertainment. He made his way to the field and leaned up against the outfield fence. It was a brutal first inning for the home team. They had given up 10 runs before the first out was recorded. Finally, the third out would come after giving up 15 runs. The businessman said to the little left fielder who had just caught the third out, “Things look hopeless for this game.” He asks the young outfielder, “Are you discouraged?” The young player replied, “No way! We haven’t gotten to bat yet.” Hope is a Game Changer!

 So much emphasis and expectation can be placed on everything but God. Jesus is a game changer. Can you sense the hope that is placed in the pool? If only the lame man can get to the pool. The hope and expectation to catch it at the right time and then get in and everything will be okay. Jesus comes in and does what the pool could not do – HEAL THIS MAN with His word.  

 Don’t forget to put your faith, trust and hope in Jesus. He is the Great Physician!