Minister's Corner
Friday, January 04, 2019MOMENTUM is the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity.
Momentum can carry a team to a win and even a championship. It can help a business go from good to great. It can help leaders move from MEDIOCRE to MAGNIFICENT. Amelia Earhart said, “The most effective way to do it, is to do it.” Someone aptly stated, “A rolling stone gathers no moss but it sure gathers momentum.” You see, momentum is a game changer!!
We are the body of Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23) and we have had had all parts moving here at Westpark over the last year. All parts have been working together (Ephesians 4:16) and things have been happening as a result!
Many thanks are extended to everyone who has had a part in working to help make our future building on the hill a reality (a dream soon to be a realized!). We have a lot of energy poured into setting up, serving, and
cooking for our services, fellowship meals, and activities. There is also the weekly work that is done by selfless teachers who continue to help us grow in the Lord and pour into our lives.
We have recently been blessed to have new family members join us at Westpark, visitors come seeking the Lord and His work, better attendance (although that is not the only measure of a healthy church), and an added
presence of excitement (MOMENTUM) that is permeating throughout our family of God.
My observation is that we have MOMENTUM. Let’s be convicted to not be complacent (collecting dust) but
rather active (stirring dust) and MOVING from GOOD to GREAT! Let’s strive to be a going church for a coming Lord!!
“For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body-whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free-and have all been made to drink into one Spirit. For in fact the body is not one member but many”. -- The Apostle Paul
Great Expectations 2019
Friday, December 28, 2018Like it or not, we live up to expectations. When little is expected of us there is a tendency to live up to those expectations. When there are no expectations set for us we tend live up to it (or down to it). So, it can be good and bad. However, when the expectations are high we often live up to them.
People will often times expel lot of energy, go to great heights, and distances to meet great expectations. They will sacrifice, and serve beyond limits to accomplish the expectation set before them. Wars have been won, lands obtained, countries established, businesses built, and games won all because of great expectations.
God has great expectations for us at Westpark! Understanding that He expects more of us will help us to understand and achieve what He desires.
I can’t help but think about people in scripture who lived up to the great expectations God set for them. David, Moses, Joshua, Paul, Peter, and so many others who accomplished great things because of what was expected of them. As a result of meeting their Godly expectations others were blessed, encouraged, built up, set free, established, and saved.
God has so much in store for us at Westpark! Are you up for meeting Great Expectations? Please make it a priority to be with us on Sunday, January 6, 2019 as we share together about Great Expectations. Please invite family and friends to be with us as we share our vision and get excited about God’s Great Expectations!
Friday, November 09, 2018November is here, and the Holiday season is upon us. Here are a few thoughts to consider:
Many of us will experience the holidays with family, friends, plenty of food, memories and traditions. Behind it all should be a spirit of Gratitude (1 Thessalonians 5:18). We are such a blessed people in so many ways. God gives so many wonderful gifts (especially His Son the GREATEST GIFT) to experience and enjoy (James 1:17) while on this side of eternity.
It’s not hard to notice that there are a lot of people around us who do not have the same experiences (spiritually and relationally) that we are blessed to enjoy. Because of this we will have opportunity to share our faith, invite others to church, and help them to experience the love of Jesus.
Paul encourages us to help bear the burdens of those who need help (Galatians 6:2) and do good to all men (Galatians 6:10). In other words, we should strive to make this a season of GIVING (action) and allowing others to offer THANKS (gratitude) to God (Matthew 5:16)!
God will present us with plenty of opportunities to help make a difference in the lives of others during this Holiday Season – my prayer is that we will seize the moment and honor the experience of Matthew 25:34-40!!
“And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’” -- Matthew 25:40
A Way Maker
Friday, September 28, 2018Paul says - BE CAREFUL and BE THANKFUL!! “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” — 1 Cor 10:12-13
Aren’t you THANKFUL that God IS ACTIVELY working in your life? I am! Paul says that God WILL NOT ALLOW you to be tempted beyond what you are able to handle!! Satan, the “tempter” (Matthew 4:3, 1 Thessalonians 3:5) IS CURRENTLY ACTIVE in tempting (1 Corinthians 10:13) according to Paul and would love to tempt you with more than you are able to handle. He would love to consume you with temptation. Peter shares that satan is ACTIVE in this world and long’s to consume us the way a lion consumes his prey (1 Peter 5:8-9).
Paul affirms GOD’S ACTIVITY in the affairs of our life by ACTIVELY PROVIDING a way of escaping the “tempter’s” tempting. We must ACTIVELY PRAY to God for strength and deliverance from the evil one (Matthew 6:13) a concept that our Lord personally taught.
God’s power is amazing because He constantly uses it to provide a way for us when we are tempted by satan!
I’m thankful that Our God is a WAY-MAKER!! “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” - The Apostle Paul
The Time of Our Lives
Friday, August 03, 2018It’s hard to believe that we are finishing up our 5th month of ministry with Westpark Church of Christ. We have experienced 5 beautiful months of life, love, and service together with you. Many of you have shared your table, time, and family with us and for that we are grateful. You have helped us to feel welcomed here during a difficult but rewarding transition in life. You have encouraged me personally in preaching, teaching, and ministering. You have given your support and expressed your appreciation for our desire bless the lives of children through adoption. Thank you for your prayers, partnership and support for us in this passionate pursuit of redeeming love!!
Here’s what I/we have learned about you so far….
- You have a deep and abiding love for the Lord and His Word.
- You have expressed love toward those who have visited.
- You have accepted those who have placed membership with us.
- You are committed to building a strong church family in Fulshear. And a physical church building!
- You love to fellowship with one another.
- You love to have fun together!!
These experiences will become stronger and ultimately help us grow as we move forward to meet our coming Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58 “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”