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Gospel Meeting

Friday, September 13, 2019

In April of 1996, I was encouraged by a minister of the Gospel from a small town in Southern Missouri to get involved with Youth Ministry as a summer intern where he was preaching. I was working full-time at Emerson Electric, a company in Paragould, Arkansas, that built washer and dryer motors for many of the leading Washing Machine and Dryer Companies in the US. Ministry was not an interest of mine or a career choice for sure. I reluctantly agreed to intern on the weekends while continuing to work the 3rd shift at the factory full time. Needless to say that was a busy summer.  However, that preacher and that internship changed my life forever. I thank God often for that summer and experience!

That preacher still preaches for the same church with over 30 years of ministry there and he is just as encouraging now as he was then. The faithful brother in Christ and minister of the Gospel is Stan Dauck and he will be our Keynote Speaker for our first Gospel Meeting at the Fulshear Church of Christ!! What an absolute blessing he will be as he shares the truth of God’s Word, encourages us to continue to serve the Lord and helps develop faith in the hearts of the hearers (Romans 10:17). 

Who would have ever imagined that the encouragement offered to a young man on the campus of Crowley’s Ridge College by a faithful man of God ministering from the Bootheel of Missouri would have an impact in Fulshear, Texas?  And yet here we are in 2019 making a beautiful difference. Only God could be behind such activities. 

Make Plans right now to be a part of an amazing opportunity to grow in faith and participate in something special. 

“For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, IT PLEASED GOD THROUGH THE FOOLISHNESS OF THE MESSAGE PREACHED to save those who believe.”  - The Apostle Paul


Seizing Our Opportunities

Friday, September 06, 2019

Etymology of Opportunity:

Nested into Colossians 4 is a verse that doesn’t get much publicity, but I think of it as a great definition of spiritual maturity. If each of us obeyed this verse, it would revolutionize our lives.

This scripture doesn’t specify how many or how few opportunities. It does not quantify how small or how large the opportunity. We simply need to make the most of every opportunity.

Seeing and seizing opportunities is an underappreciated dimension of spiritual maturity. Seeing and seizing those opportunities is at the heart of what it means to follow Christ and to be filled.

But here is the catch: The old aphorism is wrong. Opportunity doesn’t knock. The Egyptian giant that Benaiah battled didn’t knock on the door; he knocked down the door. (1 Chronicles 11:23)

In fact, Benaiah is one of those cool background characters that’s only mentioned a few times in the Bible, but whenever he shows up, he’s doing something incredible.

Most of us want our opportunities gift wrapped, but opportunities typically present themselves at the most inopportune times and in the most inopportune places. Opportunities often come disguised as a big, hairy, audacious problems, but we as Christians see things different.

The word “crisis” is made up of two characters:

One means danger and the other means opportunities.

Problems are opportunities in disguise. Let us always seek opportunities in the Lords church.



Woman at the Well

Friday, August 23, 2019

The story of the Woman at the Well in John 4 (especially verses 16-18) is a massive reminder that a PERSONAL conversation about SIN is not a PUBLIC proclamation for the whole world to know (via Facebook, twitter, instagram, phone calls, personal gossip, etc.)!  

The story shared by the apostle John concerning Jesus’ conversation with a sinful woman was God’s way to point out His GRACE and KINDNESS through Jesus Christ for a sinful world. "For His merciful kindness is great toward us, And the truth of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD!" (Psalm 117:2).  Think about it, if Christ could save her, this extremely sinful woman, then He can save me!   

Let's learn to talk to people personally, privately, and NOT discuss PUBLICLY about a personal sin committed by any individual. Let's display KINDNESS toward others and be positive and encouraging in order to help them understand God’s Amazing Grace.

In the words of John Wesley, "Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can." 


“But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.  For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, [9] not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:4-10). 


Turning the Page (Back)

Friday, August 02, 2019

Turning the page is exciting!! Looking forward to graduation, marriage, kids, a new job, a new town, retirement, or the next big thing!! Dreaming about what lies ahead keeps us motivated and moving. There are times when we start to look ahead. We even skip important aspects of a story in that we only focus on the ending (I learned that from Brent’s Wednesday night class recently).

Turning back the page to re-evaluate what we missed is important. Looking back helps us to appreciate the story. It keeps us grounded and on task at hand.

Psalm 23 is a beautiful and poignant place in our story! It is the most well-known of the Psalms and one of the most popular in the Bible. Almost everyone, whether religious or not, have heard Psalm 23 because it is quoted so frequently. It is a comforting Psalm that spiritually looks forward to feeding on green pastures, drinking from still/peaceful water. Anticipating a time of refreshing. The comfort that when difficult days do come (and they will) we have the assurance that Jesus will be with us. Always!!

Psalm 23 keeps us moving and motivated.

However, Psalm 22 is a place in the story that is as important (if not more important) than Psalm 23! Psalms are different and provoke different feelings. Psalm 23 presents confidence, assurance, and trust. While Psalm 22 is for troubled times. Almost everything that happened at the Crucifixion and most of Jesus’ words during his final hours were prophesied in the Psalms. The phrases will sound fa-miliar. Your mind will return Golgotha. You picture the cross and you sense the pain and agony. With our current series coming to a close we have been reminded of the importance of Psalm 22. This is about an obedient Son. Jesus, the suffering servant in Psalm 22 put His trust in His Father. We should put our trust in Him as well.

Turning the page is beneficial and every once in a while, turning back reminds us of the past in order to appreciate the future. Never overlook the important details of the moment in a rush to get to the next page.

Make Me A Servant

Friday, July 26, 2019

I love the song, MAKE ME A SERVANT!  The lyrics are as follows, “Make me a servant Lord, make me like you - For you are a servant, make me one, too.  Make me a servant, do what you must do - To make me a servant, MAKE ME LIKE YOU.”

Jesus was a servant (Matthew 20:28).  When we follow Jesus we are lead by Him to become servants. When we serve we become like Jesus.  There is no greater goal in life. We are intentional in trying to establish our IDENTITY at the Fulshear Family as SERVANTS!!

I have witnessed the sweet music of this song being lived out rather than sung. 

It has been an amazing thing to watch many from our Fulshear Family in action serving others.  Recently, there was service given at Independence Hall through our partnership with the Impact Church of Christ.  There was also service given through Lunches of Love which helps provide meals for underprivileged kids during the summer months and on weekends when school is in session. I also witnessed our family members reach out to help the Wojcik family pack up their moving truck as they were heading to Gresham, Oregon to begin their new ministry with the Metro Church of Christ.  And I was privileged to watch Paula Taylor open up her home and serve our Lady OWLS lunch.  This reminds me of Paul’s words, “...but through love serve one another” (Galatians 5:13). 

I am extremely thankful to be a part of a beautiful serving spiritual family who are trying their best to be like Jesus!! 

Let’s do all the good we can, to as many as we can, as often as we can, and in all the ways we can!!  Let’s remember the sacred words of our beloved apostle Paul, “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:10). 

Find your place where you can serve and let’s keep on serving together!!

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”  - Jesus Christ

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