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Genuine Kindness Matters

Friday, June 11, 2021

I came across this tidbit of information and was blown away…

“Giving diners a single mint at the end of a meal increased tips by around 3%. If two mints were provided, tips increased by 14%. More interestingly, if the waiter provided one mint, started to walk away from the table, but paused, turned back, and said, “For you nice people, here’s an extra mint”, tips increased by 23%, influenced not by what was given but how it was given.”  - Influence At Work

Do you remember the fruits of the Spirit mentioned by the apostle Paul in Galatians 5:22-23?  Listen to these words of Paul, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.” God knew the beautiful fruit…KINDNESS would influence people in a positive way. 

Imagine for a moment that those “diners” are not guests at an eating establishment but visitors to the Lord’s church, those “mints” and our words of encouragement is the kindness we offer.  

God knew the importance and impact that genuine kindness would have on helping to bring others to come to know Jesus. 

Let’s be kind to one another, our visitors at church, and to our neighbors in the Fulshear community. 

“But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins.”  (2 Peter 1:5-9)

The Gift of God

Friday, May 21, 2021

We are saved by the AMAZING GRACE OF GOD

We will not be saved without it. Hebrews 2:8, Ephesians 2:4-5



We will not be saved without it. Hebrews 2:9, 2 Corinthians 5:15

We are saved by FAITH (believe and trust) in Jesus Christ. 

We will not be saved without it. Hebrews 10:39, Romans 3:22

We are saved by CONFESSING the name of Christ before men. 

We will not be saved without it. 1 Timothy 6:12, Romans 10:9

We are saved by REPENTING of our sins. 

We will not be saved without it. Luke 13:3, 5, Acts 3:19


We will not be saved without it. Acts 2:38, 47; 22:16


We will not be saved without it. Revelation 2:10b, Acts 11:23

We are saved by being IN THE CHURCH (the body of Christ). 

We will not be saved without it. Acts 2:47, Ephesians 1:22, 23


We will not be saved without it. Ephesians 2:10, James 1:22

We are saved by being OBEDIENT TO GOD

We will not be saved without it. Romans 6:17, 18, 1 Peter 1:13, 14

We can never do anything to deserve or earn our salvation!! Which of God‘s commands can we ignore and still be saved? Revelation 14:12

You Will Get It!

Friday, May 14, 2021

It’s true!  You will get it and this exactly what the apostle Paul said.  Do you remember Paul’s memorable words in 2 Corinthians 9:6, “But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.”  Farmers definitely agree with the apostle whether they are Christian or not. Farmers will get out of the ground what they put into reap what you sow. 

Paul uses this simple agricultural principle and applies it to how God blesses the giver.  People who are generous in giving will agree because they have experienced it. We know this is true because we have seen it with our own eyes when we have given our lives in service to God with our time, energy, strength, money and talents.  We have seen time and time again people come to faith in Christ because of our service or we have seen smiles on the faces of others when we provided a meal when in need.  We have watched people come and listen to the good word of God with an obedient spirit because we gave them our time, listened to their struggles, and helped them during difficult times.  We have witnessed the blessings that come from a simple visit with a heart filled with love.  I guess this is why giving and service are called a labor of love. 

We are all a part of each blessing that occurs beside hospital beds in prayer, in funeral homes with love and support, or in counseling sessions helping a struggling sinner … we are all a part of that  because we give to God and His glorious Church.   

It’s true...You Will Get It!  That’s why Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  (Acts 20:35).  

Your Mother

Saturday, May 08, 2021

Your mother, after experiencing so much pain and discomfort, was the first one to hold, love and kiss your sweet face as you entered into the world.  Your mother loved, nurtured and helped mold you into the person you are today.  She looked after you, bathed you, cleaned up after you, cooked for you, washed your clothes and comforted you after the tears and heartaches.  Your Mother guided you, hugged you, advised you and worked with you through the classroom difficulties.  Your Mother taught you the word of God personally with her example and also with the word of God.  You are precious to your mother!  She endured many nights of worry, prayer and pacing the floor over you and all because of the love that grew and continues to grow in her heart for you.  She was in the stands cheering you on with pride.  She shared your successes and accomplishments with anyone who would listen.  She will watch you walk the aisle in marriage knowing that you have given your heart to another and she will be okay with it because she loves her/him too.  Your Mother will hold, love and kiss the sweet face of your children … her grandchildren and the cycle will continue because she is your mother.  Honor your mom while you can because she won’t always be around to hear you say … I LOVE YOU.

 “4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. 7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  8 Love never ends…” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

The Best Day of My Life

Friday, April 23, 2021

I have heard many people say, “This Is the best day of my life!,” usually after a fun or exciting experience.  Some of the feelings come after an experience to Disney World, an important date, that first kiss, a graduation or wedding, a special gift like a car, a fun birthday party, and many other significant moments.  

I have some wonderful days in my life. My first date with Christie.  Our first kiss … by the way, she laughed after it happened.  Our wedding day.  The birth of my four biological children and the adoption of my three special gifts (Joe, Madden, and Mila) from God.  And many more.

What truly is the best day of your life?  A significant but temporary experience, or something greater that has an eternal benefit?  I believe you will agree that the best day of our lives is when we are saved by Jesus Christ and all other days (as good as they are) simply don’t compare.  

I remember the best day of my life was April 23, 1991.  That was the day that I gave my allegiance to Christ and was buried with Him in baptism to have my sins washed away by His precious blood.  It is a day I will never forget because Jesus gave to me what I did not deserve and could never earn on my own.  His grace is amazing.  There is no other day that will ever compare.

When you hear someone say, “This is the best day of my life!,” pause, reflect on your best day, and offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the salvation you enjoy in Jesus Christ. If you haven’t experienced the best day of your life yet, then decide today to obey and experience it!

HEAR (Romans 10:17), BELIEVE (Hebrews 11:6), REPENT (Acts 17:30), CONFESS (Romans 10:9-10), BAPTISM (Acts 2:38), and BE FAITHFUL (1 Corinthians 10:12).

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